Xi'an Private Health Management Center: A Stellar Design

Immersive Design Concept by Hihope Zhu Wins Silver A' Design Award

With a design inspired by the changes of the stars, Hihope Zhu's Xi'an Private Health Management Center is a training center that offers an immersive experience, blending the boundaries between outer space, deep sea, and the human psyche.

The center's design is a continuation of the style of the Shenzhen Center, creating an atmosphere that transports visitors to outer space or the depths of the sea. The design team, led by Hihope Zhu and including Jane Fang and Jinbin Wu, skillfully balanced the relationship between people and space, making the space a background and the individual the protagonist.

The uniqueness of the design lies in its ability to extract individuals from the external interference of modern society's busyness and information overload. The designers believe that only by returning to their hearts can individuals truly understand themselves and enjoy communication. This was the core intention behind the design of this space.

The project, located in the subsidence space of the underground floor of the building, covers a total area of 550 square meters. The designers used new conceptual materials and the principle of transparency and reflection of glass to create an immersive scene. Through holographic projection fusion software, the projection picture was made more complete, larger in size, and stronger in sense of hierarchy, offering customers a strong visual impact of panoramic image picture in all directions.

The design was realized in Xi'an, with the project starting in February 2019 and finishing in May 2019. The designers faced the challenge of creating an environment that goes beyond the imagination of solidification design, and then unlimited extension. They used the changeable color and shape panoramic projection to do elevation design, making the concept of space in the hall negotiation space.

The Xi'an Private Health Management Center was awarded Silver in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2020. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hihope Zhu
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer SIAD, Open Negotiation Area, 2019. Image #2: Photographer SIAD, Stairs, 2019. Image #3: Photographer SIAD, Open Negotiation Area 2, 2019. Image #4: Photographer SIAD, Open Negotiation Area 3, 2019. Image #5: Photographer SIAD, Corridor, 2019.
Project Team Members: Hihope Zhu Jane Fang Jinbin Wu
Project Name: AIMO Hiit
Project Client: Hihope Zhu

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